Green, Green & More Green – Change Is Needed

Having had a new kitchen delivered and installed over a n amazingly short week, or two, I was left with the thorny problem of getting the remainder of the walls redecorated.  The new cupboards must be bigger than the others although it wasn’t obvious on the plan.   I had already felt jaded about the wall colour that had been so wonderful 7 years ago when newly applied,   Oh my indeciison is a worry at the best of times, it doesn’t worry me at first, until those around me who are more affected suddenly lose patience and yell at me to make a choice.  This particular conundrum involves whether to go for a completely different colour – not so difficult I hear you say, but I like the curtains in the family room part of this large L shaped kitchen – they reflect the garden which is very visible through the adjoining patio doors.   So to move away from a fairly narrow range of greens and cream means losing those and the rather lovely ceiling light shades which pick out one of the green exactly.